About Us

The mission of the foundation is to build institutional, organizational, and community ability to be more resilient in order to avoid, prevent, effective preparedness and sufficient response in order to bounce back to normalcy in Jordan and the regional countries.

Develop disaster risk management plans for government, non-governmental, private, and civil society organizations and help them to implement, evaluate and mentor them at national and local levels.

Building a culture of preparedness and minimizing disasters’ impact in vulnerable areas through education, research, and exercises, targeting households, public institutions, and all public places.

Improve the quality of assistance to people affected by disaster and improve the accountability of states and humanitarian agencies to their constituents, donors, and the affected populations.

Implement disaster management, disaster risk reduction, risk assessment, risk management projects, and programs in a way to implement the foundation’s objectives.

  • Commitment to help and serve vulnerable and affected people by disasters
  • Build mutual trust with our stakeholders
  • Mutual respect
  • Provide the best services and equal opportunities

JHRS History Timeline (2010–2024)


  • Foundation: JHRS was established as the first community-based disaster management organization in Jordan and the Middle East.
  • Registered under Society Law No. 22 for 2009.


  • Began providing disaster risk management (DRM) consultations and capacity-building for local communities.
  • Conducted the first training programs on disaster risk reduction (DRR) strategies in partnership with local authorities.


  • Launched the Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction (CBDRR) program to empower local communities.
  • Introduced workshops focusing on urban risk management for municipalities.


  • Local Emergency and Risk Management Plans Project:
    • Partnership with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and UN-Habitat.
    • Funded by the World Bank to integrate DRR into urban development planning.
  • Completed the DRR Capacity Building Training Programs for the Department of Palestinian Affairs, enhancing the resilience of refugee camps.


  • National DRR/CCA Awareness Campaign:
    • Partnered with UNDRR and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).
    • Targeted municipalities across Jordan to promote the Making Cities Resilient initiative.


  • Completed the DRR Capacity Building Training Programs for government officials, planners and engineers, enhancing the resilience of refugee camps.

2022 -2024

    • Launched a project focusing on gender-inclusive DRR strategies, emphasizing the role of women in resilience-building efforts.
    • Expanded capacity-building programs to include advanced climate adaptation and mitigation strategies for vulnerable regions in Jordan.
    • Continued partnerships with private sector to scale resilience-building initiatives.

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